Thursday, November 10, 2011


So I lied. This post is not about pricing. Honestly I'm just not there yet. I'm not comfortable with how much is too much or too little and really I'm still trying to decide what my art is worth. Moving on....
Its 6am and I cant sleep (shocker) so I decide to let a little honesty out. So you all know I love photography, obviously because its what this blog is about BUT what you don't know is that the reason I love it is because of the pressure. You have this one second to get this one shot. You have to master the art of ISO, aperture size, shutter speed, white balance, color temperature, exposure...literally the list goes on! So once you have that down and you get in the grove of melting them together you can really get some great shots. I love to test my skills and I love it even more when I get home and I upload my pictures and they make me feel good about myself and what Ive done. 
About a month ago I went down to the Harrison Skate park to hang out with some friends and the guys at the park were NOT SHY about getting their picture taken. I had show offs zooming past me on all sides. It was a photographers dream situation. I wanted to share some of my favorites from the day :)

I have a million and one things I cannot wait to do with my camera, the trouble is that I have a lack of willing models and its kind of stumping my creativity...So for now I'm going to need to start recruiting models...
Happy Thursday everyone <3

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Through the Chaos comes memory....

So I did my first family photo shoot and It was a blast. I was nervous for the first 5 minutes because there was a lot (4 kids, 2 adults) of them and I of course want to produce some quality pictures that they can keep and cherish forever. I'm not really a posy posy photographer..I mean sometimes its necessary to give direction and put your clients in poses but I really just enjoy the candid photo much more. This got me thinking...I'm such a awkward person and I sometimes don't even know what to do with my own body so how can I master the art of posing someone else? I'm going to start doing some major posing research. I mean I know the basic rules like triangles, no straight lines if they are all the same height, no squares, different levels, no straight arms blah blah blah but that's not the same as putting them into practice. I stand with straight arms allllllll the time. I guess I just look uncomfortable everywhere I go :) 

Yesterday before the shoot I drove to Branson to look at a new battery for my camera and I couldn't help but graze a little too long in the camera section holding on to the Canon 60D...Its beautiful and I want it so badly but its close to 2 thousand dollars....I just have not made anywhere close enough to justify that amount of money for a new camera but its my goal. Anyways....who wants to see the beautiful Henson family??? 

I'm nearly done building my portfolio and so that means I'm really going to have to start learning the business side of Photography. That kind of stresses me out. I'm going to have to learn about taxes, how much to charge, photo release forms, should I copyright? and all that jazz...I saw a add the other day on my favorite website for a business starter kit....I think I will look into that.  
Well its that time of day...time to start getting ready for my real job (for now). Next time I'm going to have a mock price list to put up just to test the waters... Adios!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Children really do make this world go round...'

So one of my first adventures into my photography business was building my portfolio. I decided the best way to do this was make a Facebook page and offer free pictures to anyone and everyone. Of course nobody turns down FREE pictures so I got a couple sit for me and let me experiment. First was Makayla. She is 6 years old and the daughter of my mothers best friend. I have also known her since birth. She is crazy fun and way adventurous so I of course had a blast!

Second up was my adorable nephew who literally pulls all of my heart strings. I  just love him so very much. He is beautiful and like all babies has the ability to just make you feel amazing when he looks at you and smiles! He also has my families trademark blue eyes

Then of course we cannot forget my best friend Sam because by now she has given birth to her beautiful little boy Caleb. He is tiny and has the most expressive face ever...He is a little thinker!

As challenging as child photography is, I really love it. I feel like it is as honest as it gets. They don't know how to do or be anything but themselves. They are curious and emotional and you have to be quick because one minute they are their and then they are gone. I learned that tennis shoes are a must for a child's shoot...cause I'm about to get a workout. I hope you have enjoyed my pictures as much as I have enjoyed taking them. Its time for me to hit the hay because this girl has a family of 8 to photograph tomorrow.
Wish me luck :)

It all started with Sam...

So I have loved taking pictures for more than half of my years. I'm 24 years old and I got my first digital camera at 13. It was small and took two AA batteries and the card held about 25 pictures but I loved it. I carried it everywhere and I took pictures of everything. I was in camera euphoria. In high school I started a pretty legit little club I like to call "The photography club" (very original I know, but I was 16 give me a break). Then came college and classes, exams, sorority, and real boyfriends got in the way. My poor camera collected dust and was only used to take silly frat party pictures where the models don't even remember posing ( what a shame...). All that changed when my best friend Samantha found out she was creating life! I immediately decided she needed maternity pictures and who better to shoot them than THIS GIRL!!! So in all of her 6 month pregnant glory, she waddled and sweat her hormonal body around so I could take some shots. She had no idea that right there and then she was reintroducing me to my first true love...

I got such positive feedback from her pictures that I immediately started thinking about how I could take pictures all of the time. I had never realized how much I missed the feel of a camera in my hands. So the journey of Natasha Rae Photography has begun...I'm not sure where its going to take me and I'm nervous every time I book a client but this is the most exciting adventure I have ever been on and I cant wait to share it with you :)